Advancing Phi Psi's Mission On the Hill . . .
Alumni Dues | University Giving (Tax Deductible) | NY Alpha Foundation | Penthouse Giving
Donating to Phi Kappa Psi - The Gables at Cornell University

We've laid out the giving options, above, according, to the priorities established by the board of the New York Alpha Phi Kappa Psi Association.
consists of the alumni chairman, the G.P. (representing the chapter) and other directors supporting chapter house operations. These volunteers are all your fellow fraternity brothers, and not officials of either our National or the university.
Our alumni donations typically only cover about five percent (5%) of the chapter's costs, and they are the capital, not the operating, costs. The men pay their own way. But they also gratefully accept contributions to preserve our historic chapter house, or to add amenities such as memorial plaques and furnishing not typically found in, say, a Cornell dorm.
We alumni have also promoted intellectual interest and undergraduate achievement through student-run educational and literary programs. Programs funded by Phi Kappa Psi at Cornell University include archival preservation, scholarships, literary events, faculty receptions, and leadership training retreats. These priorities are typically items which the actives may not think of or which do not fall within the regular operating expenses of a Cornell fraternity.
Annual Alumni Dues:
The money from alumni dues goes directly to Phi Kappa Psi Cornell Gables and is administered entirely at the discretion of the Alumni Board. Although not eligible for corporate matching or tax deductibility, alumni dues give the Alumni Board some additional flexibility in allocating resources independently from Cornell. These funds are primarily used for maintaining this website, creating and mailing The New York Alphan, financing alumni mailings, and hosting events during Homecoming and Reunion. Additional dues contributions above and beyond the levels listed are always welcome.
Dues payments support our annual operations and are not
eligible for the Phi Kappa Psi Group Housing Fund or other Cornell giving
Neither are they tax deductible.
Please make checks payable to New York Alpha of Phi Kappa Psi Association, Inc.
University Giving (Tax Deductible)
Alumni and friends of Phi Kappa Psi have a unique opportunity to have their donations to the chapter be tax-deductible and to double their value; as well as having these donations count toward their overall giving to Cornell University.
In order to ensure that your gift to Phi Kappa Psi is tax-deductible and counted toward your overall Cornell giving, simply designate the Phi Kappa Psi Cornell Group Housing Fund #660009 when making your donations to the University through its giving programs. This is a tax-deductible University giving opportunities, and it is administered by University administrators acting on the decisions of the New York Alpha Phi Kappa Psi board.
By allocating your gift to New York Alpha of Phi Kappa Psi, both the University and the Chapter House are credited with the full amount of the donation, and you receive recognition for both! You receive full credit and recognition for your gift with the University including the various giving societies such as the John Milton McNair 1870 Circle. And if you are giving in conjunction with Reunion, your gift receives full class credit as well.
You can allocate your Cornell gift to Phi Kappa Psi by visiting the Cornell Alumni Giving website at
* In the field labeled: "I want to designate my gift to," choose "Cornell University."
* In the next field, "to support," select "Cornell Fund."
* To allocate your gift to group housing, type Phi Kappa Psi Cornell Group Housing Fund #660009.Or, if you prefer to give by mail, simply enter Phi Kappa Psi Cornell Group Housing Fund #660009 on your check and on the gift form. This allocation can also be requested in bequests or wills.
The value of your gift may be doubled through matching gift programs available through thousands of employers. The process is simple. Just enter the name of your employer at the website linked above. If you prefer to give by mail, just enter your company's name in the space provided on the Cornell pledge card. Cornell does the rest! And both you and your employer receive credit for supporting Cornell University.
Gifts credited to the Phi Kappa Psi Cornell Group Housing Fund are used to fund major renovations and capital improvements to The Gables. These funds are separate from the funds raised through alumni dues, which are used to finance alumni activities including this website and The New York Alphan. The importance of building an adequate fund to make needed renovations to The Gables cannot be over emphasized. We must also maintain a chapter house that is conducive to the academic and social needs of the chapter as campus life evolves.
Phi Psi alumni and friends have a unique opportunity to help Cornell and Phi Psi with the same donation. We urge you to remember and utilize this information and to request the Phi Kappa Psi Cornell Group Housing Fund credit when they make their gifts to Cornell.
NYA Foundation:
We are currently establishing an I.R.S. 501(c)(3) which can receive tax-deductible capital gifts for the Chapter House, by-passing the University accounts. These gifts will not count as University giving, but will be available to the men to improve the Chapter House.
Penthouse Giving:
From time to time, the G.P. undertakes special projects with which the alumni wish to assist. Watch this space for those opportunities.